<!--Jira project id e.g. 10001-->
<!--Optional can be supplied as environment variable ASSERTTHAT_ACCESS_KEY -->
<!--Optional can be supplied as environment variable ASSERTTHAT_SECRET_KEY -->
<!-- Used for jira server integration only. If using cloud remove this option-->
<!--Optional - default ./features-->
<!--Optional - all features downloaded by default - should be a valid JQL-->
<jql>project = XX AND key in ('XXX-1')</jql>
<!--Optional - default automated (can be one of: manual/automated/both)-->
<!--Optional - tag expression filter for scenarios. More on tag expressions https://cucumber.io/docs/cucumber/api/#tag-expressions-->
<tags>(@smoke or @ui) and (not @slow)</tags>
<!--Optional - default cucumber (can be one of: cucumber/karate)-->
<!--Optional - whether the phase is enabled (default is true)-->
<!--Optional - prepend ordinal to feature file name on download (default is true)-->
<!--Optional - default ./report-->
<!--Optional - default - **/*.json -->
<!--Optional - default cucumber (can be one of: cucumber/karate)-->
<!--Optional - all Jira tickets will be updated with test results by default; when JQL is provided only filtered tickets will be updated -->
<jql>project = XX AND key in ('XXX-1')</jql>
<!--Optional - whether the phase is enabled (default is true)-->
</plugin> |