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Code Block
buildscript {
        classpath group: 'com.assertthat.plugins', name: 'assertthat-bdd-gradle-tasks', version: '1.69.3'

task downloadFeatures(type: FeaturesTask){
    /*Jira project id e.g. 10001*/
    projectId ="PROJECT_ID"
    /*Optional can be supplied as environment variable ASSERTTHAT_ACCESS_KEY*/
    /*Optional can be supplied as environment variable ASSERTTHAT_SECRET_KEY*/
    /*Used for jira server integration only. If using cloud remove this option*/
    jiraServerUrl = ""
    /*Optional - default ./features*/
    outputFolder = "src/test/resources"
    /*Optional - all features downloaded by default - should be a valid JQL*/
    jql = "project = XX AND key in ('XXX-1')"
    /*Optional - default automated (can be one of: manual/automated/both)*/
    mode = "automated"
    /*Optional - tag expression filter for scenarios. More on tag expressions*/
    tags = "(@smoke or @ui) and (not @slow)"
    /*Optional - the value MUST be an instance of {@link String} or {@link}.*/
    proxyURI = "myproxy:8080"
    /*Optional - user name which will be used for proxy authentication.*/
    proxyUsername = "username"
    /*Optional - password which will be used for proxy authentication.*/
    proxyPassword = "password"

task submitReport(type: ReportTask){
    /*Jira project id e.g. 10001*/
    projectId ="PROJECT_ID"
    /*Optional can be supplied as environment variable ASSERTTHAT_ACCESS_KEY*/
    /*Optional can be supplied as environment variable ASSERTTHAT_SECRET_KEY*/
    /*Used for jira server integration only. If using cloud remove this option*/
    jiraServerUrl = ""    
    /*The name of the run - default 'Test run dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss'*/
    runName = "Dry Tests Run"
    /*Json report folder - default ./reports*/
    jsonReportFolder = "reports"
    /*Regex to search for cucumber reports - default **.json*/
    jsonReportIncludePattern = "**/cucumber.json"
    /*Optional - the value MUST be an instance of {@link String} or {@link}.*/
    proxyURI = "myproxy:8080"
    /*Optional - user name which will be used for proxy authentication.*/
    proxyUsername = "username"
    /*Optional - password which will be used for proxy authentication.*/
    proxyPassword = "password"
    /*Optional - default cucumber (can be one of: cucumber/karate)*/
    type = "cucumber"
    /*-Optional - all Jira tickets will be updated with test results by default; when JQL is provided only filtered tickets will be updated*/
    jql = "project = XX AND key in ('XXX-1')"