Tags are one of the key tools to organise your scenarios.  As your feature files develop, tags provide a limitless way to organise your scenarios, a few examples of how they can be used are to identify functionality, and to specify the test stage or the development status.

AssertThat - BDD, Cucumber & Test Management for Jira plugin Allows tags to be added at Feature, Scenario and Example level tags

Tags are inherited so for example

Tag types

Feature tags

Step 1: Access the AssertThat Feature menu


Step 2: Feature tags can be added from 2 places either on the main Features screen:


 or from within the feature: 


Scenario or Scenario Outline tags

Step 1: Scenario and Scenario Outline tags are added in the scenarios screen:


Note that scenario outline tags are inherited for all examples.

Examples tags

Step 1: Examples tags are setup as follows:


How to organise tags

A few useful tips and guidance can be found in this blog post on how to Organise BDD Tags.