Create credentials

Usage in Job

Download feature files:

Upload reports:

Usage in pipeline Job

pipeline {
    agent any 
    stages {
        stage('Features') { 
            steps {
                //Download feature files
                assertthatBddFeatures credentialsId: '10005',
                                      jiraServerUrl: '', 
                                      jql: "project = DEMO AND key in ('DEMO-2')",
                                      mode: 'both',
                                      tags: '(@smoke or @ui) and (not @slow)',
                                      outputFolder: 'features', 
                                      projectId: '10005', 
                                      proxyPassword: '', 
                                      proxyURI: '', 
                                      proxyUsername: ''
        stage('Run tests') { 
            steps {
                //Run tests here

                //Upload test results
                assertthatBddReport(credentialsId: '10005',  jiraServerUrl: '', jsonReportFolder: 'report', jsonReportIncludePattern: '**/*.json', projectId: '10005', runName: 'Smoke test run', type: 'karate')