Scenario Execution Status gadget
Scenario Execution Status gadget
The gadget allows users to view the Scenario execution status linked to the tickets returned from the Jira filter. The Jira filter used can be across multiple projects.
The status of the scenarios can be Passed, Failed, In progress and Not Run. For Automated Scenario Examples where there are multiple executions, a single execution is counted.
Scenario Execution Status Dashboard Gadget
Select Edit Dashboard.
Search for the dashboard “AssertThat - Scenarios execution status” and select Add.
Enter the Title and Jira filter for the gadget.
Select Automated / Manual / or All scenarios to view.
Configuration details using saved JQL filter
Users viewing the dashboard will need access to the filter used on the gadget.
Users viewing the dashboard will need to have access to the projects returned in the query.
, multiple selections available,