Create New Features and Scenarios from Issue View

Create New Features and Scenarios from Issue View

On this page, we detail how to create new scenarios on Issue View. New Scenarios can be added to new or existing features as detailed.

Please review Features page for how to add new Features from this page.

Add new scenario from Issue View

Step 1: When the AssertThat plugin is enabled new options will be available from within the issues screen.  To add a new scenario from a user story, select the Add new scenario button.

Add BDD scenarios on Issue View native to Jira

Step 2: Add the scenario to an existing Feature or a new feature

To add to a existing feature start typing the name or text from an existing Feature and select the Feature.

Link BDD Scenario to existing Feature

To add the scenario to a New Feature, start typing the name of the new Feature and select


Step 3: Update the details for the Scenario name and steps. Note you can use step Autocomplete to reuse existing steps (Ctrl-Space)

When you have completed adding steps click on Save

Step 4: Click to expand / collapse to view the view full details of the Scenario


Step 5: Complete the Scenario detail by adding tags and setting the scenario as automated or manual. This setting is used by the plugin to determine if the scenario will be downloaded for Integration with Test Automation Frameworks.   

Step 6: If you wish to unlink or delete the scenario click on the respective buttons.

Note Delete is only available on newly created scenarios. If you wish to delete existing scenarios this can be done from the Features pages.