Syntax Validation

Syntax Validation

Step 1: Navigate to the Project Settings and then select AssertThat Integration. This can either be found by clicking on Config on the AssertThat menu or via Project Settings.

Access AssertThat Configuration via the Project Settings or AssertThat Config link

Within the configuration menu are 2 toggles to switch on syntax validation for manual tests and for automated tests. We recommend switching on the syntax validation for Automated tests as a minimum. This will ensure that when you download BDD scenarios to your test automation frameworks they won’t error due to syntax issues.

Syntax Validation toggle in the AssertThat Configuration page

Step 2: Access the features menu.

Step 3: Select the Feature you would like to add the new Scenario to by clicking on the Scenario title. Set the mode to Automated.

Step 4: Syntax validation is enabled to ensure steps start with Given, When and Then.