Global Configuration & Reindex

Global Configuration & Reindex

The AssertThat Global configuration & Reindex page can be found under the Jira Administration pages & Manage apps:

AssertThat Global Configuration & Reindex

A reindex may be required of AssertThat to resynchronise the Jira issue properties. Certain features use AssertThat Jira issue properties such as Dashboard Gadgets and Traceability charts.

AssertThat Global reindex will reindex ALL projects. The duration of the task is dependent on the number of Jira Issues and linked AssertThat Scenarios.

On clicking Start Now Reindex status will initially be set to Gathering Data before proceeding with the Reindex process. The Status will be updated to RUNNING whilst processing. When reindexing is complete the Status will be updated to COMPLETED

AssertThat Global Reindex