Features / Scenarios Count gadget

Features / Scenarios Count gadget

The AssertThat Features / Scenarios Count allows teams to view the number of Features and Automated / Manual Scenarios across multiple projects.

AssertThat Features / Scenarios Count cross-project Dashboard Gadget

Instructions to add the gadget to an existing dashboard

  1. From your dashboard select Edit and search for AssertThat under available gadgets. Then select Add next to “AssertThat - Features / Scenarios Count”:

    Instructions to add the gadget to an existing dashboard

2. Update the report title and from the available “Projects” select all projects that you would like to include in the report.

  • For Mac users hold down the Command button to multi-select projects.

  • For Windows users hold down the Control button to multi-select projects.

Finally, update the number of projects to be displayed per page and click on Save

Note: The project list will only display projects to which the user has access and where AssertThat is enabled through Project Settings → AssertThat configuration → Enable

3. When you have completed changes to your Dashboard click on Done.