Linking user stories and scenarios

Linking user stories and scenarios

One of the key benefits of AssertThat BDD, Cucumber & Test Management for Jira is that the BDD scenarios and user stories are available in one place - Native to Jira.  The BDD scenarios are presented alongside the user story in a format that makes it easy for the product owner, development and test teams to easily collaborate and develop the user story.

With AssertThat, BDD scenarios can be linked to the user story in 3 places within the App

  • Features pages

  • Scenario Manager

  • Issue View

In this section, we will detail how scenarios can be linked to Jira Issues in Issue View.

Note BDD scenarios can be linked to any Jira Issue Type.


Link existing scenarios to Jira tickets

Scenarios can be linked to User Stories (or any Jira Issues) on the Issue View as detailed below.

Step 1 - For new user Stories display the AssertThat BDD fields by clicking on Acceptance Tests.

Click on Acceptance Tests to enable the AssertThat fields on Issue View

Step 2: Open the user story and click on Select Scenario under Acceptance Tests

Select Scenarios to link to the Jira ticket

Step 3: Search for Scenario - You are now presented with a number of options to filter for the scenario you want to link:

Search by Feature name - Start typing the Feature name and you will be presented with a list of available Features from the drop-down (note a minimum of 3 characters need to be entered)

Search by tag expression - this is optional - as you can see from the below screenshot a list of all the scenarios is listed in the scenarios box. In some circumstances, there may be many scenarios in a feature and using tags can help filter the ones you wish to link to. You can start typing in the tags to further filter on the tags as shown below

Manual / Automated tick box - Again scenarios can be further filted based on if they are Manual or Automated.

Filter by Scenario name - Enter minimum 3 chars


Step 3: Select the scenarios to link, and the Save can then be selected.

On clicking Save the BDD Scenarios will be linked to the Jira ticket under the Acceptance tests.