Features / Scenarios Count gadget

Features / Scenarios Count gadget

The AssertThat Features / Scenarios Count allows teams to view the number of Features and Automated / Manual Scenarios across multiple projects.

AssertThat Features / Scenarios Count cross-project Dashboard Gadget

Instructions to add gadgets to existing dashboard.

  1. From your dashboard select Edit and search for AssertThat under available gadgets. Then select Add next to “AssertThat - Features / Scenarios Count”:

Search and Add AssertThat Dashboard Gadgets

2. Update the report title and from the available “Projects” select all projects that you would like to include in the report.

  • For Mac users hold down the Command button to multi-select projects.

  • For Windows users hold down the Control button to multi-select projects.

Finally, update the number of projects to be displayed per page and click on Save

Note: The project list will only display projects to which the user has access and where AssertThat is enabled through Project Settings → AssertThat configuration → Enable

3. When you have completed the changes to your Dashboard click on Done.