Automated Runs Statistics for Project
Automated Runs Statistics for Project
The Dashboard gadget enables teams to view Automated test results that have been imported into AssertThat for the selected project.
Automated Runs Statistics Dashboard gadget
Instructions to add gadgets to existing dashboard.
Step 1: From your dashboard select Edit and search for AssertThat under available gadgets. Then select Add next to “AssertThat - Automated Runs Statistics for Project”:
Search and Add AssertThat Dashboard Gadgets
Step 2: Update the dashboard configuration:
Enter the title
Select the project from the drop down.
Enter the Run name filter e.g. “Test run 09 Apr 2023”
Ender the run Metadata search term
Enter the runs per page (max 20)
Note: The project list will only display projects where AssertThat is enabled through Project Settings → AssertThat configuration → Enable
Step 3: When you have completed changes to your Dashboard click on Done.
, multiple selections available,