Migrating from Cloud to Server or Data Center

Below are instructions on how to migrate AssertThat BDD, Cucumber & Test Management plugin from Jira Cloud to Jira Server or Data Center

Differences between Server/DC and Cloud versions of the app


Jira Cloud

Jira Server/Data Center


Jira Cloud

Jira Server/Data Center

Features/scenarios upload and management

Scenario Manager

Traceability Matrix

Automated Test Report

Link Scenarios to User Stories

Manual Scenarios execution

AssertThat Test Plans

 Migration instructions


  1. Install https://marketplace.atlassian.com/apps/1219033/assertthat-bdd-cucumber-for-jira?tab=overview&hosting=datacenter plugin on your Jira Server or DC instance

  2. Enable AssertThat BDD & Cucumber for Jira plugin for the projects that you are going to migrate on the Cloud instance. (optional)

  3. Download and install Python on the instance you are going to use for running migration scripts https://www.python.org/downloads/

In order to retain the linkage between scenarios and user stories Jira Server/DC project key and Jira Cloud project key should match exactly.

Migration steps

  1. Clone repository https://bitbucket.org/AssertThat/assertthat-bdd-server-migration/src/master/

  2. Install dependencies. Run
    pip install -r requirements.txt

  3. Update global configuration in ./config/global.json

    { "jira_server_url": "https://mycompany-jira.com", "jira_server_username": "username", "jira_server_password": "password", "jira_cloud_url": "https://mycompany.atlassian.net", "jira_cloud_username": "user@example.com", "jira_cloud_api_token": "", "default_assertthat_access_key": "", "default_assertthat_secret_key": "", "assertthat_host": "https://bdd.assertthat.app" }

    jira_server_url - The URL of your Jira server or Data Center instance e.g https://jira.mycompany.com

    jira_server_username - The username of the Jira Server/DC user with admin access to the projects.
    jira_server_password - The password of the Jira Server/DC user with admin access to the projects.
    jira_cloud_url - The URL of the cloud Jira instance where the projects are being migrated from e.g. https://mycompany.atlassian.net
    jira_cloud_username - The email address of the Jira Cloud user which has Browse users and groups global permission. More details here
    jira_cloud_api_token - API token of the Jira cloud user used in jira_cloud_username https://support.atlassian.com/atlassian-account/docs/manage-api-tokens-for-your-atlassian-account/
    default_assertthat_access_key - pick one project where the AssertThat plugin is enabled on the Cloud instance and get the access key from the plugin configuration page
    default_assertthat_secret_key - pick one project where AssertThat plugin is enabled on Cloud instance and get the secret key from the plugin configuration page
    asserttthat_host - Leave as default set to https://bdd.assertthat.app

  4. Run ‘get-cloud-projects.py' script, which will create a file listing the cloud projects for migration ./output/cloud-projects.json

    python get-cloud-projects.py
  5. Explore the ./output/cloud-projects.json and exclude projects that are out of scope of the migration.

  6. For each project in ./output/cloud-projects.json fill in the corresponding Jira Cloud project details assertthat_access_key, assertthat_secret_key, and Jira Server DC derails - jira_server_project_id, which can be found on the project configuration page in Jira Cloud

  7. Run 'migrate-config.py' which will migrate project configurations from Jira Cloud to Server/DC

    python migrate-config.py
  8. Run 'migrate-features.py' which will migrate the features from Jira Cloud to Server/DC

  9. Run 'migrate-executions.py' which will migrate manual execution results for each of the Scenarios that are linked to Jira story.


  10. Run Re-indexing

In case of any issues or questions please reach us at support@assertthat.com