REST API for Jira Cloud
This is the reference documentation for the AssertThat - BDD & Cucumber for Jira REST API. This API is the primary way to get and modify data in the plugin, whether you are developing an app or any other integration. Use it to interact with the plugin for entities, such as features, reports, scenarios and more.
Authentication: All endpoints use basic auth. Refer toAssertThat Configuration & Enable for project to generate API access keys.
Base cloud URL:
Postman collection and environment with example requests is available for download below.
API Requests
Downloading features
GET /rest/api/1/project/{projectId}/features
Name | Required | Type | Description |
mode | No | String | One of: automated, manual, both |
jql | No | String | JQL filter for scenarios linked to certain issues |
numbered | No | Boolean | Whether to prepend ordinal to the feature name |
tags | No | String | Tag expression to filter features/ scenarios |
Uploading report
Name | Required | Type | Description |
runName | No | String | The name of the run. Default |
metadata | No | Json string | Metadata json |
runId | No | Long | If submitting new report set to -1. If adding test results to existing should be set to the value return when submitting new report. |
form-data: file | Yes | Json file | Cucumber json report file |
type | No | String | One of: cucumber, karate. Defaults to cucumber. |
customRunId | No |