Hot Keys - Shortcuts for autocomplete, formatting and comments

Hot Keys - Shortcuts for autocomplete, formatting and comments

AssertThat has a number of inbuilt pieces of functionality to enable your team to quickly add new scenarios, reuse steps and format scenarios. These features will save your team time and ensure the scenarios are correctly formatted making them easier to review.

Autocomplete - CTRL+Space

CTRL+Space enables autocomplete for Steps for Windows

CTRL+Space for Mac

Start typing the keywords into the line and autocomplete will find any steps containing the keywords. In the below example the work “account” is found in 3 steps.

Reuse steps with Hot Keys for Autocomplete

Format Scenario - CTRL+ALT+L

CTRL+ALT+L auto formats your Gherkin scenarios for Windows.

CTRL+OPT+L for Mac

All screens where gherkin syntax is used (Given, When, Then)

  • simply press CTRL+ALT+L to format (Control+Option+L on Mac)

    • scenario steps

    • Examples table

Neatly format scenarios making them easier to review

Add Comments - Ctrl+/

CTRl+/ comments outlines in your gherkin scenarios (For Windows and Mac)

Comment out lines whilst reviewing and developing scenarios