Import Features and Scenarios

Import Features and Scenarios

AssertThat has the functionality to easily import all your feature files for a project.  The plugin also provides validation on import to check your feature file is correct, ensuring feature and scenario names are unique and that the file is in the correct format.

Features can be imported either through the AssertThat App or through the AssertThat API.

Import a Feature using the AssertThat BDD Plugin

Step 1: Access the AssertThat Feature menu

Navigate to AssertThat Features


Step 2: Select upload feature where single or multiple feature files can be selected or dragged into the upload box. 

Upload BDD features from AssertThat App

Step 3: Choose Features to import or drag and drop the files into the window. Please review the status update to determine if it was completed successfully or if the format of the feature file needs to be reviewed:

Step 4: Overwrite Existing

Importing Features into AssertThat either through the App or API’s provides the options to override existing. If the Feature already exists the upload will display an error as detailed below.

Select the Overwrite existing to update the version of the Feature in AssertThat with the Upload version.


Import a Feature using the AssertThat API

Features can also be imported into AssertThat using the API’s and custom integrations. More details can be found in the below links: